4 Life Hacks After College

March 17, 2017

Congratulations, graduate! You made it through those sleepless nights, terrifying professors, tough defenses, and endless requirements. Kudos! 

You are now ready to face new challenges. Although many people say no one is ever ready for the future, you can be. Here are some after-college life hacks for you to have a little clue on what to expect on your new journey:

1. Take your time

You might want to get a job as soon as you take off your toga. Trust us, once you did, you will later realize that you should’ve taken your time. It’s not that having a job is so stressful that you just want to be a student again (some days, yeah), but you should also take some time to just relax and enjoy being unemployed--because once you start your first job, there’s no turning back. Enjoy being free from “adult responsibilities” for a month or two (or maybe a couple more) first, then start looking for a job that you want to pursue. By that time, you will be ready for whatever life throws at you.

You may also want to use this “free” time to think...really think about what path you want to pursue because once you land on your first job, it will be hard to change careers and you don’t want to be stuck in an industry or job that you’re not happy with.

2. Pick the right job

The first job you will get may not be as interesting and exciting as what you expect. Make sure that you are on the right field and choose the job that will lead you to your dream one. Always remember that there are no shortcuts to success. Trust us, it feels satisfying to know that you’ve worked hard for all your success and accomplishments in life.

Friendly tip: Gather 1 to 2 years of working experience from your first job and use it as your training ground that will help you become more successful in your chosen career path.

3. Take care of your health

Your greatest capital to success is your health. Make sure to take care of yourself by:

* Sleeping at least 8 hours - sleep deprivation can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, or other heart diseases. Not being able to sleep for at least 8 hours will also affect your performance at work;

* Drinking enough water - you can prevent the simplest to the most severe illness just by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. (plus, it gives you healthier skin, too!); and

* Eating right - we couldn’t stress this enough, eating right makes you healthy, that’s it. Also, remember that whatever “too much” is bad for you.

For extra protection, opt for a healthcare insurance that will take care of your health and your money should you be confined unexpectedly.

4. Be wise about money

Not because you already have a job, you will spend your earnings impulsively. Set a budget for your everyday expenses, so that you will have enough savings for the things that you want to have or buy later. It is also important that you will only spend for the things that you need. If you will buy something that you want, make sure that you thought about it enough. After all, you have worked hard for it.

You can also invest your spare money in an insurance plan that provides protection for both your life and your savings. With this, you will receive cash bonus by the end of your coverage.

We assure you that these life hacks will help you a lot, regardless of which path you will take.

Congratulations and best of luck to you, tough-ie!
