Understanding the Diseases That May Cause Prolonged Hospitalization

September 1, 2023

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In the Philippines, like in many other parts of the world, there are several diseases that can lead to long-term confinement, drastically altering the lives of those affected. While medical advancements have provided better treatments and management strategies, understanding these diseases remains crucial to raising awareness, promoting prevention, and offering support to individuals and families facing these challenges.

1. Diabetes

Diabetes, particularly Type 2, has reached alarming proportions in the Philippines. Lifestyle factors, including poor diet and sedentary habits, contribute to its prevalence. Prolonged confinement is often a result of the complications associated with diabetes, such as foot ulcers, neuropathy, and kidney problems. Early detection, lifestyle modifications, and consistent medical care are crucial to preventing and managing the long-term effects of diabetes.

2. Chronic Respiratory Diseases Infectious diseases like tuberculosis and non-communicable ones like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. These conditions can lead to prolonged hospitalizations and reduced quality of life. Air pollution, tobacco use, and indoor cooking practices contribute to the high incidence of these diseases. Efforts to improve air quality and promote smoking cessation are vital to curbing their prevalence.

3. Cardiovascular Conditions

Heart diseases, including hypertension and coronary artery disease, are leading causes of prolonged confinement and mortality in the Philippines. Poor dietary choices, a lack of exercise, and genetics play significant roles in the development of these conditions. Education on heart-healthy lifestyles, regular screenings, and access to affordable medications are essential to addressing this issue.

4. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

CKD is a silent epidemic affecting a considerable portion of the Filipino population. Uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension are primary contributors to CKD. Individuals in advanced stages often require dialysis or kidney transplants, leading to lengthy inpatient care for treatment. Raising awareness about risk factors, regular health check-ups, and proper management of underlying conditions are crucial to preventing CKD.

By understanding the underlying causes and risk factors, we can take a proactive and prepared approach to safeguarding our family's financial well-being in advance of any actual need. 

Paramount Direct offers the Premium Healthcare Plus Plan, a health insurance plan that covers hospitalization due to a sickness or accident. It provides additional benefits for confinement in the ICU, surgical operations, and long-term confinement. This product is eligible for ages 50 to 74, with an affordable premium that starts at P216 per month. Visit https://www.paramountdirect.com/health-insurance/premium-healthcare-plus-plan to learn more and apply online. 

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