Protect Your Heart Against Heart Disease

February 17, 2017

When you are in love, you are willing to take risks; but taking risks might not be good for your heart--emotionally and literally speaking.

In celebration of National Heart’s Month, learn how to protect your heart against heartbreaks and most especially, heart diseases.

To protect your heart against heartbreak, learn how to love truly--that is, loving without expecting anything in return.

On the other hand, you can protect your heart from diseases by changing your lifestyle. To explain further, we have listed the top causes of heart diseases which you can’t avoid:

  1. Age - as you add up another year to your age, the changes to your health become drastic, especially to your heart’s health

  2. Gender - research proves that males have a greater risk of having heart disease

  3. Heredity - if it runs in your family, you are most likely to inherit it

However, simple lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of having a heart disease. Here’s how you can protect your heart:

  1. Quit smoking - the nicotine that you intake when you smoke makes your blood thicker, therefore making a possibility for blood clot which results to heart attack. Quit smoking now!

  1. Control your blood pressure - according to research, high blood pressure increases the heart’s workload. Take control by eating healthy and working out

  2. Choose a healthy eating plan - reduce your sugar intake because fatty substances from sugary foods will build up on the arteries over time leading to heart disease (you wouldn’t want that)

  3. Be physically active - working out helps eliminate bad cholesterol, and increase good cholesterol circulating in your body. Science has proven that lack of exercise promotes heart and other diseases, get up!

Although these could only lower your risk of having a heart disease, prevention is always better than cure.

If you are not doing what’s on the list above, and you think that you are most likely to develop a heart disease, you should start thinking about protecting yourself.

Do yourself a favor and invest in an insurance plan. Some insurance companies in the Philippines offer coverage for serious illness that provides you financial assistance once you are diagnosed.

Remember that it’s always better to prevent sickness than have it cured--and best if you are protected. This National Heart’s Month, start protecting your heart!
