Maintaining Your Mental Health in the Midst of Crisis

April 17, 2020

The World Health Organization has warned the public about the effects of COVID-19 pandemic to the mental health of people. According to them, it is a normal reaction for everyone to feel stressed, anxious and lonely due to the changing and uncertain situation that we are all going through these days. That’s why they encourage us to stay healthy physically and mentally and focus on addressing people’s mental issues.

Here are some points to help you manage your anxieties and fear during this difficult situation and maintain your positive outlook in life: 

Take care of yourself. Start by taking care of your body. Be sure to eat nutritious food, get enough sleep, exercise, and drink plenty of water. 

Make yourself busy with productive activities such as quilting, learning how to cook or bake, planting vegetables in the garden, or watching inspirational videos. 

Talk to your friends about how you feel. Keep the lines of communication open. Talking about how you feel gives you relief from what’s bothering you for a while and who knows this might encourage others to open up as well. You are not alone. Get help. 

Help and support others. Volunteer your time and participate in the community services like in the distribution of food to the frontliners, pack relief goods or check on your elderly neighbors who might need assistance in buying their medicines or food. Helping others will make you feel better and happier. 

Stick to the facts. Stay informed about what’s happening in your community so you can do your part to help stop the spread of the virus. Remember not all that you read on social media are true. Only visit trustworthy websites or official Facebook accounts such as the DOH, ABS-CBN news or GMA news. 

Start your day with a quiet mind. Meditate and relax to improve your state of mind. We, at Paramount Direct, are with you during this difficult time. 

 Stay safe and protected.

