Detecting Cancer Early Is Your Best Chance for a Cure

October 6, 2023

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One of the most prevalent types of cancer among women worldwide is breast cancer. However, despite it commonly affecting women, it can also occur in men. As part of the global effort to increase awareness of this disease, the month of October has been designated as “Pink Month”.

Early detection of breast cancer plays a vital role in improving prognosis and increasing the chances of a successful treatment. Hence, people of all ages must be aware of the signs and symptoms of this disease. In this blog, we will be exploring the key indicators that could signal the presence of breast cancer. 

  1. Lump in the breast or underarm

Breast cancer generally manifests first as lumps. However, it is important to note that some tumors may not be malignant and instead be benign. 

  1. Changes in breast size or shape

Breast cancer may cause changes to the breast's size or shape. This could entail asymmetry, distortion, or swelling. 

  1. Skin changes

Unusual changes in the skin in the breast area can be signs of breast cancer. It's crucial to keep an eye out for any rashes, dimpling, or other symptoms of redness. 

  1. Nipple abnormalities

Keep an eye out for symptoms like peeling, scaling, crusting, or flaking of the pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple. Moreover, another potential irregularity is a newly inverted nipple.

  1. Breast pain or tenderness

Many lumps are painless; however, some people may encounter breast pain or discomfort. This may vary from a prickly sensation to sharp stabbing pains.

Most significantly, it is essential to visit a health professional early on, especially if you are to notice any of these symptoms or sudden changes in the breast area, in order to detect the early emergence of breast cancer tumors. 

Different people will experience different symptoms. Unfortunately, most people don't even notice any of the signs and symptoms until it is too late. Thus, it is essential to have a protection plan that covers critical illnesses. The Prime Health Cash Plan offers medical and life insurance at a reasonable rate that helps you recover without the burden of additional financial problems. Head over to for more information.

